Khoury Oriental Rugs

The Rugs

Oriental Rug

Oriental Rugs

Rugs are beautiful works of art on your floors. Each of our oriental rugs are hand made and one of a kind. Oriental rugs are woven in a process using knots and weavers can tie ten to fourteen thousands knots in a day. Larger rugs often take several months to complete.

Sizes of oriental rugs range from smaller 3’ x 5’ accent rugs to 2’ x 10’ runners to 10’ x 14’ area rugs and larger. Rugs are made from wool, cotton or silk. The intricate patterns on the rugs often indicate the part of the world where the rug was woven. Highlighted by geometric designs, medallions and floral patterns, the final effect is as varied as the cultures that make them.

Oriental rugs come in a wide variety of colors and shades. Strong colored reds, oranges and browns are popular rug colors. Softer vanilla, topaz and emerald colors create more subtle effects.

With thousands of rugs in our warehouse to choose from, we invite you to schedule an appointment to explore the colors, designs and feel of the carpets to find the rugs that will become yours.

Schedule an appointment to find your rug today.
Cindy Khoury Touma
Oriental Rugs
Rug Wedding

Gift Registry

We have a gift registry for all of your gift giving needs, including weddings (ceremony rugs), house warming, and special occasions. Contact us for more information or to register.

Caring for Your New Rug

Your new oriental rug was made with care. Learn more about how your rug was crafted.

Your new rug has gorgeous colors and textures. Learn how to keep your rug looking new.

Schedule an appointment to find your rug today.
Cindy Khoury Touma


Schedule an appointment
Cindy Khoury Touma

2230 Commerce Dr.
Columbia, SC 29205



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